Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jul 09 2022
- Time: 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Brother Howard Memorial Race and State Doubles Titles
following are details of the Brother Howard LD race (incorporating the State Doubles titles) to be held next Sunday the 10th of July at Aquatic Reserve West Lakes:
Registration: 8:15 am
Briefing: 8:45 am
Race start: 9:00 am
Cost: $20 (capped at $30 per family)
Course: Consists of 6km “Y” laps from Aquatic Reserve to Bartley Tce footbridge around Delfin Island to Corcoran Reserve footbridge and back.
Class, categories, and race distances:
Under 12, all classes 6km, 1 lap, no portage
Under 14 and 65+ all classes 12km, 2 laps, no portages
U16, U18, Open, Para and Veteran 35+/45+/55+ skis and touring classes 12km, 2 laps, no portages
U16, U18, Open, Para and Veteran 35+/45+/55+ international classes 18km, 3 laps with 2 portages
Medals: Will be presented for the International Class Doubles in the following age divisions:
U14, U16, U18, Open, V35+, V45+, V55+, V65+
Medals will be presented for the International Class Doubles on the basis of beating another boat in the same age divisions:
1 boat – no medals
2 boats – Gold medal
3 boats – Gold & Silver medals
4+ boats – Gold, Silver & Bronze medals
Must be worn by all competitors 12 years old and under
Must be worn by all competitors 13/14 years old, unless parent consist given otherwise
BBQ: West Lakes Paddlesports will be holding a BBQ after the race