Local Time
- Timezone: America/New_York
- Date: Jun 25 - 26 2022
- Time: All Day
Encounter Paddling presents The Baudin-Flinders Southern Dash
Encounter Paddling presents
The Baudin/Flinders Southern Dash
Sunday 26th June, 2022
Baudin/ Flinders, a race and a friendly encounter held at
Encounter Lakes, Bartel Boulevard, Encounter Bay.
In October 1800, Nicolas Baudin set sail from France to map the shores of “Terra Australis”. A few months later, Matthew Flinders cast off under the British flag. The race was on to map the Southern continent. Their expeditions were a great feat of endurance and courage. Despite being in a period of war, the two captains shared a meal and compared scientific notes in the friendly waters now known as Encounter Bay.
Registration: 8:15 am
Briefing: 8:45 am
Race start: 9:00 am
Cost: Juniors $10.00, Seniors $ 15.00
The course consists of 3km laps
Class, categories, and race distance NB: there is no PFD exemption for this event.
Under 12, all classes 3km, 1 lap, no portage
Under 14 and 70+, all classes 9km, 3 laps, no portages
Under 16 Touring classes, Vet 60-65 international classes 15km, 5 laps, no portages
U16, U18, Open and Veteran 35-55 international classes 15km, 5 laps with 4 short portages
U16, U18, Open and Veteran 35-55 Skis and touring classes 15km, 5 laps, no portages
Don’t want to portage? All good. If your event includes portages, you can optionally elect not to. If you miss a portage, an adjustment will be made to your time. Your adjusted time will remain official and qualify for the fastest recorded status.